Order Management

Ready to order from a supplier in China, but worried about what might go wrong? We’ll handle the process for you, from order terms and invoice review to regular follow-up, quality checks and lab testing.

Book our Order Management Services to receive:

  • Production manuals
  • Inspection of invoices
  • Manufacturer follow-up
  • Quality checklists and reservations
  • Lab test booking and management



What is order management? Why do you need order management?

The processes and components of order management generally include, but are not limited to:

  • Receiving orders
  • Payment processing
  • Order execution
  • Selection, packaging, transportation
  • After-Sales support
  • Return management

Order Management Best Practices

As we all know, as one of the most important parts of your e-commerce operation, order management takes a lot of your time and effort. What we can do, however, is to help your business run more efficiently and reduce errors in order fulfillment and payment reconciliation, whether you need B2B, B2C, or both.

Effective order management doesn’t just make it easier for you, it invariably increases your revenue. You can finally grow your important business without fear!

Especially for customers whose production is based in a third country, our service simply enhances their quality of life, as they no longer have to worry about communication problems due to time zone issues in their country.

Why do you need product quality management?

Whether you are a small business owner, Dropshipper, eBay, Amazon, or Shopify store owner, the central question you should be concerned about in your dealings is: How can I be sure that my suppliers are giving me qualified and good quality goods?

Especially when it comes to large transaction orders, we have to be very careful in choosing our suppliers. As we all know, we are now in the period of social media proliferation, any media site Facebook, Twitter, INS if there is a single bad review about your goods, can directly ruin your entire business.

How can you avoid this?

Let us do the quality check for you!

Step 1: Production manual
We help you prepare your production manual, which includes payment terms, bank account details, shipping terms, export packaging, and defective goods terms.

Step 2: Invoice Check
We review supplier invoices before you pay the initial balance, in order to reduce the risk of payment fraud.

Step 3: Vendor follow-up
We follow up with our suppliers on a weekly basis to keep track of current status and completion dates.

Step 4: Quality checklist and appointments
Prepare quality test orders and coordinate processes between testing companies and vendors.

Step 5: Lab test booking and management
We book lab testing and coordinate the process between the testing company and the vendor.

Are there any additional costs?

Please note that our service fees do not include the cost of quality inspections and laboratory tests. These services are provided by our partners and depend on the number of inspections and tests required.

List of testing laboratories in China